Reaching Best Seller Status

Reaching Best Seller Status or  is an online resource founded by author Melissa VanDover.  The site is composed of a highly informative blog that has tons of tips on successfully navigating the world of writing and publishing, whether through the traditional route or indie.  The site also has interviews with featured authors where they discuss what has worked (and not) on their path.
Recently Melissa interviewed me as a featured author on Reaching Best Seller Status (Author Interview: Daniel Arthur Smith).  The interview was a lot of fun.  She picked my brain and pulled out some great tidbits.  One of the themes she latched onto was the technique of writing weekly serials, expanding them to novels, and then in turn, continuing the series in further novels. She found the path to success so interesting she invited me to write a guest post to elaborate.  (Guest Post: Weekly Serial to Episodic Novel to Series).  As some Cameron Kincaid readers are aware, he first appeared at in a weekly serial before the novel was published and before appearing in The Somali Deception (and the upcoming Templar Force), so this is a topic close to my heart.  I was happy to put a guest post together and was doubly pleased to receive an extended comment from David VanDyke, author of the best selling Plague Wars series (and all around nice guy).

A note about my rapid speech in the interview. Here is what happened.  The interview came after a long day of driving back to Manhattan in bumper to bumper traffic with my 4 and 6 year old in the back seat.  I was exhausted, so I slammed a few coffee before she Skyped me from Denver – maybe not the best choice.
