About Daniel Arthur Smith

Daniel Arthur Smith is the international bestselling author of The Cathari Treasure and The Somali Deception. American born, Daniel has traveled to over 300 cities in 22 countries, residing in Los Angeles, Kalamazoo, Prague, Crete, and New York. Daniel was born and raised in Michigan, graduating from Western Michigan University where he studied philosophy and comparative religion. He has been a teacher, bartender, barista, poetry house proprietor, technologist, and a Fortune 100 consultant across America and Europe. Daniel resides and writes in Manhattan with his wife and young sons.

Kindle’s #1 International Pulp Thriller Best Seller!


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After spending the first month of release as an Amazon UK TOP 10 Best Selling Pulp Thriller, The Somali Deception has joined The Cathari Treasure to become the second Cameron Kincaid adventure that UK readers have propelled to number ONE.
Discover the Adventure UK readers have made an International Best Seller.
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or pickup the entire serial at a discount with

The Somali Deception The Complete Edition – Now on Amazon

5 covers

From the author of THE CATHARI TREASURE – Kindle’s #1 International Men’s Adventure Best Seller!

Former Super Légionnaire Cameron Kincaid returns in

THE SOMALI DECEPTION Episode IV of IV and The Complete Edition

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 When Cameron Kincaid is asked to rescue a former lover from aboard a hijacked yacht he discovers that the true Somali Pirates live in the London luxury suites of The May Fair Hotel, wear tailored Savile Row suits, and deal high stakes in the lounges of Paris, Ibiza, and Dubai. From explosive incursions to clandestine infiltrations, the action is nonstop and the deceptions are many.
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The Somali Deception Episode III – Now on Amazon

The Somali Deception Episode III

From the author of THE CATHARI TREASURE – Kindle’s #1 International Men’s Adventure Best Seller!

Former Super Légionnaire Cameron Kincaid returns in


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 When Cameron Kincaid is asked to rescue a former lover from aboard a hijacked yacht he discovers that the true Somali Pirates live in the London luxury suites of The May Fair Hotel, wear tailored Savile Row suits, and deal high stakes in the lounges of Paris, Ibiza, and Dubai. From explosive incursions to clandestine infiltrations, the action is nonstop and the deceptions are many.
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The Somali Deception Episode II – Now on Amazon

The Somali Deception Episode II

From the author of THE CATHARI TREASURE – Kindle’s #1 International Men’s Adventure Best Seller!

Former Super Légionnaire Cameron Kincaid returns in


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 When Cameron Kincaid is asked to rescue a former lover from aboard a hijacked yacht he discovers that the true Somali Pirates live in the London luxury suites of The May Fair Hotel, wear tailored Savile Row suits, and deal high stakes in the lounges of Paris, Ibiza, and Dubai. From explosive incursions to clandestine infiltrations, the action is nonstop and the deceptions are many.
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OPENING DAY ebook #FREE Nov 14 and 15


Opening Day


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OPENING DAY is a short coming of age story about a Boy in the Midwestern United States celebrating an anticipated rite of passage with his grandfather.  There are stories of the hunt that contain gore, the thrill of the chase, adrenalin of the kill, and the butchering of large game.  Despite the setting, this is not one of those ‘hunt’ stories.  For young people, opening day is not merely about the hunt.  Read this short coming of age story of a time since past to discover why.




The Somali Deception

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With a drum roll and a clarion call – here is the cover to the new Cameron Kincaid adventure THE SOMALI DECEPTION.  Readers have been emailing and tweeting for the the arrival of the followup to the International Best Seller The Cathari Treasure and now the release is days away, this time in blue (you may see a theme developing here).  THE SOMALI DECEPTION will be available in Paperback, Audiobook and of course the popular Kindle editions so keep an I out on Amazon UK and all of the regional Amazon stores.  Discover the Adventure Series UK readers have made an International Best Seller.


The Somali Deception – Coming Soon

I am on the edge of my seat!  News stories, blockbuster Tom Hanks movies on the horizon and the general public knowing the word Somali.  The next Cameron Kincaid adventure THE SOMALI DECEPTION has been finished for quite some time and I am itching all over to share this novel with all of the readers out there that have enjoyed THE CATHARI TREASURE.  I know, I know, I have been tweeting and posting that the next adventure is coming soon for quite some time.  Like everything else in business, and writing is my business, there is a process to releasing a new adventure.

If you wonder what the process is let me break the steps down.

  • FIRST READER draft copy distribution – Digital proof copies of THE SOMALI DECEPTION have been sent to FIRST READERS to provide feedback, early reviewers, and editors.  (If you are interested in a digital FIRST READER copy there is still time – email [email protected])
  • Proposals issued to selects Literary Agencies – Due to the success of the preceding Cameron Kincaid adventure in the UK, proposals have been distributed to Literary Agents that can best represent this project in the US, the UK, and abroad.
  • Artwork creation – Whether or not THE SOMALI DECEPTION is picked up by a large or small press, success comes from happy readers and quality marketing collateral.
  • Audiobook Production – THE SOMALI DECEPTION audiobook is being produced in tandem with the digital and print copies for neat release.
  • Marketing Release Plan – Create a subtle social media release plan
  • Final Edit – Incorporate all of those tiny edits and the FIRST READER feedback to make this Cameron Kincaid adventure more enjoyable than the last.

Of course many other tiny things need to happen before the general release of the next Cameron Kincaid from formatting to scheduling, etc, etc.

If you want a heads up on when a release date is finally announced email [email protected] and I will add you to the my new mailing list.

Dan is going to be the author of scary books


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Halloween is six weeks away.  The writer’s mornings have become cool and crisp and, as a friend of mine in the north would say, ‘summer’s back is broken’.  Between novels, I enjoy experimenting with shorter form and style.  This time around, I want to write a scary book, tis the season.  The first draft of the horror story is in the first person and I am assured that the narrator is not at all someone who would speak in my style.  We will see how the scary story plays out.

This is not my first scary story. At ten years old my first attempts at writing complete stories were blatant rip offs of the H.G. Wells Morlock scene, which I had read, and John Carpenter’s movie The Fog, which I had not seen. The latter being the most original of the two as my version stemmed from the movie trailer and, rather than the pirates of the movie I would watch years later, incorporated what I can only now describe as a Lovecraftian monster. I even made a real book out of the fog story as part of a sixth grade class project, with illustrations, binding, and wallpaper glued to a cardboard book cover. The story made an impression on my fellow students and teachers (an impression that was entered into my permanent record).

Another project we had later that year was to create a class yearbook. Each of us was assigned another student to interview and from that information, we placed an entry on each of the topic pages. The page that has always stuck with me was the prediction page. The prediction page was a career forecast. We did not tell our interviewers what to write, they were to come up with the prediction from their own accord. Many of the predictions were expected for children of the seventies, girls were going to be mothers and boys were going to be sports stars and truck drivers. I have kept a copy of that yearbook all of these years, a fading stack of stapled paper printed on an old ink mimeograph, because of what my interviewer predicted for my future. I have held onto to the copy as one holds a paper from a fortune cookie or a horoscope they wish to be true. Though the genre is not that specific to me and my path has covered half the planet on the way here, I took what the other student wrote as a matter of destiny. Now the prediction has become fulfilled, ‘Dan is going to be the author of scary books’.

Kindle’s #1 International Men’s Adventure Best Seller!

Kindle's Number 1 International Men's Adventure!THE CATHARI TREASURE HITS NUMBER ONE!

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For FOURTEEN weeks in a row The Cathari Treasure has been an Amazon UK TOP10 Best Selling Men’s Adventure.  Now for the first time UK readers have propelled this popular Cameron Kincaid adventure to number ONE.  Discover the Adventure UK readers have made an International Best Seller.